Simon Pegg

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This isn't really Simon Pegg related but..I thought I would share it with you read and enjoy....
Iron man 2: The Sequel
written by....
Well you tell me who wrote

For those of you interested in reading the Shaun of the Dead script I wrote as well as the story Understanding In a Car Crash...which is shaped around a Simon based character then here are the links to those :
that one will take you to the shaun of the dead story....
this one will take you to Understanding in a car crash

Chapter One: Street therapy

Scene opens with a shot of Tony Starks, he is lying in reclined position, we see nothing of his surroundings except that its darkish, and beneath him is something tan in color that almost resembles a sofa of some sort…he is staring up at the camera with a half smile on his face, hands behind his head…looks lost in thought…

Tony-shaking his head a little

So…where was I?

Voice-out of camera range

You were talking about the day you met…


Right…right….(pauses for a moment seeming to think on this) It was one of those embassy parties…I can’t even remember who it was for, but I do remember I went alone and was bored to tears before the evening had even begun. I was drinking…well… I was always drinking back then…and I started thinking about blowing off the rest of the affair hitting a club or something… Obie…(hesitates a little as he says Obie) Obie had told me to stay for the entire thing…so…leaving hadn’t really been an option and the more bored I got the more I drank…I’m not even sure what it was about her that drew my attention…I just…happened to look up, and there she was across the room…there were these three guys standing with her…all talking, trying to get her attention… which I thought was funny because she looked as bored and uninterested by them as I was with the whole night...the whole event…(he pauses for a moment) I remember...I couldn’t take my eyes off of her once I saw her…and more than anything else in the world at that moment…I wanted to go up and introduce myself


Did you?


No…not right away…I just…sort of watched her from across the room…which was totally out of character for me as I had never…never had any trouble when it came to approaching women…(pauses, his voice softening) I think I knew…even then…that there was something different about her…something unique…something that made her unlike anyone I had ever known…not just any woman…but any person…

He pauses once more seeming lost in thought…

Tony-clearing his throat

Anyway by the time I did finally screw up the nerve to talk to her, I was more than a little drunk…in fact…if I’m not mistaken…I may have even stumbled a bit when I walked over to where she was…more than a bit…actually… I think I fell at her feet…

Voice-after Tony remains silent for several seconds

So…was it love at first of those …romantic moments like you see in the movies?

Tony-chuckles a little

Hardly…I ended up saying something completely inappropriate…making a huge ass out of myself…and when I went to walk away I nearly tumbled from the second floor balcony..

Voice-sounds amused

Not exactly a movie moment…

Tony-still smiling a little but seeming to be lost in remembrance

She…saved me that night…caught me before I could fall…next thing I knew…she was in my car and we were on our way back to my house…(second person makes a noise and Tony lifts his head a little to look toward this person out of camera range) It isn’t how it sounds…I wish it had been but…like I said we went back to my house…she got me upstairs into my room…took off my shoes and coat and pushed me onto my bed…


Sounds the way it sounds…

Tony-raising his voice a bit

…pushed me on my bed where I… passed out… no doubt snoring my head off…(he again smiles a little fondly) When I woke up the next morning…with a raging hangover I might add…she was still there…I...asked her why she had stayed and she told me that someone had to take care of me because I obviously couldn’t take care of myself…

He falls silent seeming to think on this with fondness and for a moment he even begins to look a little emotional…

Tony-lowers his eyes a bit

No one had ever done that for me…put themselves out like that for my sake alone…not before…not since…


Sounds to me like you still care for her…

Tony-seems to think on this

That was a long time ago…a ..very long time ago…a lot has happened since me…to her…I haven’t even thought about her in quite awhile actually…


If that’s true…then why do you think she crossed your mind today of all days…

Tony-shrugs a little

I don’t know…(pauses for a moment) No…I do know actually…when I woke up…and realized it was my birthday…my fortieth birthday to be exact…I started thinking about my life…the way it is now as opposed to the way it was before…I kept asking myself if I was…happy…and it occurred to me that the last time I was…happy…really happy…was the last time I was with her…(seems almost embarrassed) Sappy…huh


Maybe you should find her, tell her that…


I wish I could but…when she left…when she broke it off with me…she asked me not to keep tabs…I guess she was afraid if I did…if I knew where she was and what was happening with her…to her…that I would do something …crazy…. like show up out of the blue and try to drag her back…


Would you have…?

Tony-shakes his head a little then nods

In an instant…which the end…just goes to prove what I’ve known all along…no one…not Pepper...not Rhodey…no one knows me…really knows me…the way she does…did…

He lays there for a second seeming to think on this and from out of camera range we hear a horn blow…Tony lifts his head and turns to look and we see he is out of doors...lying on an opened cardboard box in an alleyway…from his point of view we see his chauffeur climb out his limo and open the door…

Tony-turns back

Well…I’m afraid my time is up…(looks at his watch) I’ve gotta be across town in ten minutes for a surprise birthday party…some surprise huh…(he rises and digs in his pocket pulling out some money, he leans forward and we see who it was he was talking to. It’s an older man, shabby clothes, missing a couple of teeth, clutching a paper wrapped bottle) Here you go Phil…money well spent…

Phil-lifts his hand waving it away

No…it’s on me…for your birthday….

Tony-stuffs the money in his coat pocket patting it

Really…I insist…go and splurge a little…buy yourself the good stuff for once…

Tony starts to walk away pulling his coat on as he does…



At the door of his car Tony pauses and turns back to look at him


Just remember…life is too short to spend it regretting the things we’ve done…and lamenting the things we never got around to…it’s not too late you know…

Tony-nods his head a little at this

Sound advice Phil…I’ll keep that in mind…

Tony climbs in the car…the chauffeur walks to the front and the car drives off with Tony lifting his hand to Phil. As the car leaves Phil reaches into his pocket and pulls out the money Tony gave him whistling a little then he shakes his head tucking it back in…


Crazy rich people…(takes a drink from the bottle leaning his head back)

Fade out….


Chapter two: Surprise

Scene reopens with Tony in his car…his phone rings and he looks at it smiling a little as he sees Pepper’s picture…



Pepper-from inside what looks like a fancy ballroom of sorts there are people, decorations, she smiles kind of tightly turning away

Where are were supposed to make your entrance like five minutes ago…

Tony-glances out the window

My session ran a little longer than I thought…I should be arriving in a few minutes…so I’m supposed to act surprised am I right?


It is a surprise party…


If that’s true…then why did you and nearly every other guest call to tell me about it…?


Because everyone…myself included…knows how much you hate surprises…plus you are so unpredictable we had to make sure you actually showed up…


Good thinking… (car stops and he lifts his eyes to a hotel) So…is he there…here…



Tony-Getting out of the car



Michael…and yes...he is here…so if it isn’t too much to ask could you try and be nice to him…he thinks you don’t like him…

Tony-walking toward the building

I don’t like him…he reminds me too much of those nerdy kids I used to beat up in high school…


Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t you one of those nerdy kids…

Tony-pauses for a moment as the door man opens the door for him

Maybe that’s why I don’t like him…he reminds me of myself before I grew up and gained a personality…

Pepper-laughs a little at this glancing around her eyes resting on a good looking guy in glasses he smiles and gives her a wave…

Well…I like him…a lot actually…so…please just be nice…

Tony-steps into the lobby, a man at the desk points him to the left he makes a gesture to the left then goes that way

For your sake I will…but I have to be honest …I don’t think he’s good enough for you…


And who is…good enough for me I mean…you…

Tony-glancing at the doors he passes

Me…certainly not…but while we are on the subject…why again did we decide not to pursue a relationship between us...I’m a little fuzzy on the details…


Because you are my boss and…


And you don’t fish from the company pier…


And…you’re a friend as well…and I …we decided to keep it that way…

Tony-pauses outside of a large room

Right…I keep forgetting that…strange though I don’t remember having a vote on that…(he pauses again outside what looks like a large room the door is closed there is a sign that says private party) Anyway I’m here so…


Act surprised…but…try not to act too surprised if you know what I mean…


No fainting…got it…see you in a sec…

He hangs up his phone and stands there for a moment looking at the door…

Voice-out of camera range

Tony Stark…?

Tony turns toward the speaker and as he does the man seems almost collide with him...his hand moves forward toward Tony’s stomach as if to keep himself from knocking them both over…Tony looks down at the hand then at the guy…seeming a little troubled…as the guy smiles..



Guy-mid to late twenties, large in size, completely bald, his head appears almost to be scarred in several places…he leans toward Tony who is still seems a little unnerved

Just wanted to wish you…a happy birthday…

He gives Tony a grin pausing for a moment…


Thanks…thanks a lot…do I…know you

Man-already beginning to back away still smiling as he goes

No…But I’m thinking eventually…you will…

He sort of chuckles as he turns and continues to walk away and Tony stares after him for a moment lifting a hand to his stomach seeming confused…he turns to the door then pushing it open…we hear a group of people yell surprise …

end scene

Changing LINKS



Before Simon Pegg...there was no comedy!!